Medics for the People

Version: 22/08/2018

Medics for the People (MFTP) cares greatly about your privacy. We know that your privacy is very important to you as well. In the first part of this privacy statement, we explain what personal data concerning you is stored by MFTP, how it is used and how you can access, rectify and/or erase it. Part 2 contains the privacy policy for our website.

You can find more general information about the privacy laws on the Data Protection Authority’s website. Medics for the People complies with the applicable laws and regulations in all cases, including the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation EU 2016/679), also known as GDPR.

Part 1 General privacy policy

This policy means that, under all circumstances, we will:

Process your personal data in accordance with the purpose for which it was provided. These purposes and the type of personal data concerned are described in this privacy statement;
Limit processing of your personal data to the minimal data required for the purposes for which it is processed;
Ask for your explicit consent if we need it in order to process your personal data;
Take appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that the security of your personal data is guaranteed;
Not pass on personal data to other parties unless this is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the data was provided;
Be aware of your rights to your personal data, aim to inform you of them and respect them.
As Medics for the People, we are responsible for the processing of your personal data (i.e. we are the data controller). If, after reading our privacy statement, you have questions about this or would like to contact us, please do so using the contact details below. If necessary, we may refer you to the local controller of the relevant practice.

Geneeskunde voor het Volk Nationaal
Commandant Weynsstraat, 85, 2660 Hoboken
[email protected] or [email protected]
Telephone: 03 828 02 43

Who is this privacy statement intended for?

This privacy statement applies to all our patients, staff (volunteers, paid staff and trainees), current and former members, participants in activities, persons who show or have shown interest in our activities, services or products, customers and prospects, and suppliers.

For what purpose do we process which personal data?

Medics for the People processes your personal data for the following purposes and on the following legal grounds:

Patient care (legitimate interest, legal obligation)
Scheduling and planning of home visits and appointments (legitimate interest, legal obligation)
Income from fixed fees, monthly invoicing to the health insurance funds (legal obligation)
Reimbursement of services (legal obligation)
Payroll administration (contractual agreement, legal obligation)
Management of staff and volunteers (contractual agreement, legal obligation)
Selection and recruitment (legal obligation)
Training of doctors and nurses (contractual agreement)
Scientific research (legitimate interest)
Involving patients and supporters in MFTP campaigns (fulfilment of contract)
Member administration and services to members (fulfilment of contract)
Sending information about our activities, newsletters and invitations (legitimate interest)
Obtaining subsidies from the government (legal obligation)
Where the processing of personal data is based on consent, you always have the right to withdraw the consent given.

We collect personal data that you transmit to us yourself in various ways (e.g. during medical appointments, on registration forms, when filling in a form or requesting contact on our website, during face to face / telephone / e-mail conversations, etc.). External sources are limited to what is strictly necessary, specifically external healthcare providers (complete patient file), the health insurance funds (insurability), the ICHO (for general practitioners in training) or the occupational health service (health and safety staff).

In order to be a patient, to become a member of MFTP vzw or to participate in activities, certain necessary information must be provided.

We may collect visual material during our activities. These photos or videos may be used in our publications (newsletter, website, Facebook, etc.). If you do not want certain images of yourself to be published, you may contact the data controller at MFTP vzw.

Providing data to third parties (data recipients)

On principle, no data is passed on to third parties. Data is stored in secure files that are only accessible to the persons we have authorised to access them. MFTP uses the CareConnect platform to manage patient files.

Patients’ personal data is only passed on in the context of patient care or the administration of fixed fees, specifically to the following:

External care providers
Health insurance funds
Government bodies
At no point whatsoever do we sell or lease your personal data to third parties. Neither do we ever pass on your contact details to third parties for commercial purposes.

Storage period

MFTP vzw does not store personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was provided, taking into account the period necessary to meet the legal requirements (including accounting requirements). However, storage periods may vary depending on the purpose.

Your rights regarding your data

You have the right to access and obtain a copy of the personal data that concerns you.

You have the right to rectify and add to your data if it becomes apparent that your data is incorrect or incomplete.

You have the right to erasure (deletion) of the personal data that we have received from you if it is no longer strictly necessary for the purposes for which it was processed. However, we reserve the right to determine whether your request is justified.

You have the right to restriction of data processing: if you object to the processing of certain data, you can ask for this processing to be stopped.

Additionally, you have the right to order us to transfer the data you have provided to yourself or directly to another party on your behalf (for example, your medical file can be forwarded to a healthcare provider of your choice).

You can contact us at the address mentioned earlier in this privacy statement to exercise your rights.
However, we may ask you to identify yourself before we can comply with the requests above. You are asked for sufficient proof of identification to prevent misuse.

No category of persons is subjected to any form of automated decision-making or profiling whatsoever.

Management and security

The privacy statement is regularly updated and can be consulted at at any time.

MFTP takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised modifications. Our servers are protected by a firewall (Watchguard) and managed by a certified company (Networkx) to ensure that your personal data does not fall into the wrong hands.

If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or if there are indications of misuse, or if you would like more information about the security of personal data collected by MFTP, please contact MFTP.


If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data or about the exercising of your rights, please contact us about this matter directly.

You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority for the protection of privacy at any time:

Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit (GBA)
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels
[email protected]

PART 2 Privacy policy and our website

When you visit the MFTP website, the server records non-personal usage data that is never linked to your personal data. In other words, the visitors to the MFTP website remain anonymous. This non-personal usage data is processed internally to enable us to improve the website on an ongoing basis.

Google Analytics

MFTP collects automatically generated information about your browsing behaviour while you are using the MFTP websites by means of the Google Analytics platform. The information includes but is not limited to how often certain pages are viewed. This information includes your IP address and the type of browser you use (your browser is the computer program you use to view internet pages).

The information collected using the Google Analytics cookie is transferred to Google and stored by Google Analytics on servers in the United States. Google Analytics adheres to the Safe Harbor Principles and is affiliated with the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Safe Harbor programme. This means that there is an appropriate level of protection for the processing of personal data.


There are many types of computers, browsers and users. The best way to build websites accessible to everyone is to conform to the global standards of the Word Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The code that determines the layout of our site (CSS) complies with the latest standards (CSS3). Where browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) do not display web pages according to these standards, we try to accommodate them.

Within the limits of our capabilities, we take visitors with a visual, auditory, motor or intellectual disability into consideration as much as we can. If you have any comments on our website(s) in this regard, we would be grateful if you would pass them on to the webmaster. We are afraid, however, that one hundred percent accessibility for one hundred percent of visitors is a dream that we have not yet been able to achieve.


It is sometimes necessary to install cookies to ensure that our website works properly. Cookies are small text files containing a user’s information that is required to use multiple pages, so that the user does not have to enter this information repeatedly. We do not use cookies to track your browsing behaviour. Videos included in our newsletters sometimes install a tracking cookie from the video provider. Unfortunately, we have no control over this, which is why videos will not be shown if you do not accept cookies. MFTP will not install cookies without your consent, except in the case of functional cookies (a cookie that is strictly necessary to be able to provide a service expressly requested by you, or to enable communication). You can set your browser so that you do not receive any cookies the next time you use If you do so, however, you may find that you cannot use all the website’s features fully. More information about enabling and disabling cookies can be found in the instructions and/or using the Help function of your browser. If you have a question about our privacy and cookie policy, please send us an e-mail. We will reply as soon as possible.


MFTP does its utmost to ensure that no unwanted or malicious software (spyware, adware, etc.) reaches your computer via its websites.


Intellectual property rights

All texts, documents and photos on this website are licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 2.0 license. Reproduction of all or part of this material is permitted, provided the source is acknowledged. Changes or commercial use are not permitted.

Limitation of liability

The information on the website is of a general nature. This information is not tailored to personal or specific circumstances and can therefore not be considered as personal, professional or legal advice to the user.

MFTP makes great efforts to ensure that the information provided is complete, correct, accurate and updated. In spite of these efforts, inaccuracies may arise in the information available. Should the information transmitted contain inaccuracies or should certain information be unavailable on or through the website, MFTP will make the greatest possible effort to correct this as quickly as possible. If you should discover any inaccuracies in the information provided through the website, you are welcome to contact the site administrator. However, MFTP cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the information on this website.

The content of the site (including the links) can be adjusted, changed or supplemented at any time, without any announcement or notification. MFTP does not offer any guarantees that the website works properly and cannot be held liable in any way for poor functioning or temporary (in)availability of the website or any form of damage, whether direct or indirect, that may result from access to or use of the website.

Under no circumstances can MFTP be held liable to any party whatsoever, directly or indirectly, specifically or in any other manner, for damage due to the use of this or any other website, particularly as a consequence of links or hyperlinks, including, without limitation, all losses, interruptions to work, damage to programs or other data on the computer system, devices, programs or other items belonging to the user.

The website may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites or web pages, or refer to them indirectly. In no way does the creation of links to these websites or web pages imply implicit approval of their content.

MFTP explicitly declares that it has no control over the content or other characteristics of these third-party websites and can under no circumstances be held liable for their content or characteristics or for any other form of damage due to their use.

Applicable law and competent courts

Belgian law shall apply to this website. Only the courts of Brussels shall be authorised to hear any dispute that may arise.